Laurel Lord's Dissertation Works


The proposal should contain the following elements:

  • Statement of Research Questions or Hypothesis
  • Literature Review
  • Theoretical or Conceptual Model
  • Data and Analytic Method
  • Implications for the Field of Study
  • Publication Plan


Currently in the pending approval phase

Current Committee Chair:

  • TBD

Possible Committee Members:

  • Internal Members:

    • Dr. Erin Buchanan

    • Dr. Rand Ford: Professor and Program Director of Data Analytics at HU

    • Dr. Kayla Jordan

  • External Members:

    • Dr. David Frank: Linguist at SIL, Creole expert and contributing author of one of Saint Lucia’s official creole dictionaries.

    • *Dr. Melissa Irvine:Linguist; dissertation on Saint Lucian Creoles.

    • **Graham Neubig: Carnegie Mellon University lecturer (Multilingual NLP)

    • **Dr. Yulia Tsvetkov: Carnegie Mellon University lecturer (Multilingual NLP)