Survey Consent:Lawyers

Institutional Review Board

Harrisburg University of Science and Technology

Participation Consent Agreement

This linguistic research study has been approved by the Institutional Review Board (IRB) of Harrisburg University of Science and Technology (HU). This research study is led by …, a Ph. D. candidate in Data Science Department at HU. The Faculty Advisor for this study is …, Professor of Analytics.

This study is being conducted in compliance with the standards and guidelines given by the HU IRB. The Collaborative Institution Training Initiative (CITI) Program has certified the researcher, Laurel Lord, for human-subject research.

Purpose of the Study:

The purpose of this research is to gather general demographic data of lawyers and identify patterns of linguistic legal representation on the multilingual island of Saint Lucia. There will be a specific focus on the second most prevalent language - “Saint Lucian Kwéyòl”. The responses of participants will be run through textual analytical tools to provide insight into the legal environment that Saint Lucians, particularly Kwéyòl speakers, experience.

Participant Tasks:

Each participant is asked to fill out an online survey to provide their basic demographic details, statements on their multilingual capacities, and statements on the current linguistic legal environment. The form contains eleven questions that each participant may be able to complete in less than thirty minutes.

Participant Risks and Discomforts:

There is no anticipated risk for the participant in this research. All information will be protected, and the confidentiality of the data will be maintained throughout this research.

Survey Benefits:

The collection of profession-specific labor statistical data is uncommon in Saint Lucia. Additionally, there appears to be low societal consideration of the increasing multilingual environment; therefore, data collection and analysis of this specific profession could serve as a template for job-specific data collection and improve the legal representation offered to the inhabitants of Saint Lucia.

Participation is Voluntary:

Survey paSurvey participation is voluntary, and individuals may choose not to participate if uncomfortable with answering any of the questions after signing the consent form by withdrawing from the survey.

Participant Compensation:

There is no compensation for participation.

Privacy/Confidentiality/Data Security:

The The data collected will be saved in a standard hard drive for three years; non-identifiable data, and a report, will be submitted to the Bar Association of Saint Lucia and The Central Statistical Office of Saint Lucia.


Any Any questions may be directed to … at … Questions or concerns regarding your rights as a subject in this study may be directed to HU IRB via 717-901-5100 or their website at

Published: August 26 2020

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